These are set and enforced by the moderators.
We do not permit NSFW or NSFL content to be posted on this server whatsoever, this ranges from excessively NSFW messages and imagery to NSFL content such as extreme gore. There are other servers where that can be posted.
Never share any personally identifiable information about yourself or others, such as addresses, school, etc. this is for the safety of you and others.
The incitement or promotion of violence and or violent ideologies is not permitted here.
It should go without saying, but- racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and antisemitism is not permitted, and is not tolerated. We are all people, let's treat each other as such.
Listen to others, if you’re accused of causing harm, or making someone uncomfortable, take a step back, recognize that the other person may see things differently, and take responsibility for your actions. If you need an intermediary, please contact the moderation team.
Use the report feature before getting into arguments, or causing conflict. Our moderation team is here to assist and take care of these things.
Automated account reposting from sites such as Twitter (X), Facebook, Reddit, etc. is not allowed unless you have first contacted, this is to prevent spam, and potential abuse. Upon approval, your account will have a badge applied to it that will help prevent reports.
Civil political discussion is fine, but mark it with a CW for those who may wish to avoid it. Please be mindful of global conflicts, and make educated choices on posts that may make light of situations that are very real for others. Reports about such content may lead to said posts being removed.